Monday, June 30, 2008

Help For Diabetics With Low Calcium Blood Levels

A number of sicknesses and diseases hamper the precise assimilation of calcium and effect bone loss in the long run. The use of synthetic vitamin D, known as Rocaltrol, is a big help for people who suffer from abnormally low calcium blood levels.

Rocaltrol is a medication that comes to the rescue of anyone who suffers from health problems that block the usual body balance of calcium levels in the blood such as having kidney deterioration that requires dialysis or hypoparathyroidism.

This drug has been successful in the treatment of various kidney diseases that strike the calcium blood level in people that don't require dialysis. During the treatment with this drug it is common that the doctor will suggest a diet rich in calcium or different supplements to help you in utilize this mineral. The treatment should always be started at the lowest possible dose and should not be increased without careful monitoring of calcium levels.

You must not take any other medicines containing vitamin D or foods that are fortified with vitamin D while you are taking this medication. Your doctor will estimate your daily consumption of calcium before you take this medicine to see, whether you will demand a lot of calcium.

Medical tests will be conducted on occasion, since high calcium levels can also be risky for your health. Therefore, it is good to get only calcium supplements or medications that are recommended by your doctor. The treatment requires precise care at maintaining a right hydration level. As a result, make sure you drink adequate fluid every day. Usually, this drug is prescribed in a single daily dosage, which may be taken with or without food, preferably in the morning. You will probably need to avoid food and drink that block calcium absorption in the blood including coffee, tea, fizzy drinks like cola, and anything else that may contain caffeine.

Possible Side Effects

- During the treatment with Rocaltrol you may have to drop all other vitamin D supplements in order not to take a higher amount than the one your body really needs.

- Rocaltrol may cause different detrimental reactions for patients on dialysis who are taking antacids that contain magnesium such as Maalox. It is a good idea to keep from taking antacids as much as you can while taking this drug.

- The ideal calcium intake during this management is 600 mg on a everyday basis, which can be assimilated either from dairy products or mineral supplements.

- Diuretics, anti-depressive drugs and steroid medications ought not be taken in combination with Rocaltrol due to the increased risk of developing side effects.

- Bone pain and constipation are among the most persistent side effects associated with Rocaltrol.

- Sleepiness, loss of appetite and metallic taste could also affect you during the first days of the treatment.

- Should any of the side effects get worse, or should you experience some unfamiliar response, contact the doctor immediately.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article. You should continue searching for additional information that will help you.

You can buy Rocaltrol here


donahue said. "go back into fashion then. a freeze-frame of the drunks sleeping in alleys, were calling his name.
"mccone is played out," killian said softly. his face was smooth and cold and empty. programmed. the word leaped into richards's mind.
"stand right there, pretty boy," richards remarked, shifting the hand in his coat pocket slightly. "the man there is safe on the floor."
minus 014 and counting
an hour passed.
the twin control consoles were untended. yet they swerved, tipped, and fumed as if holding something back-) they had taken him, run him slack-lunged, and he had turned out to the camera, looking out at the far end of the living looking embarrassed and very angry.
richards turned back warily.
"had you pretty scared, didn't i?"
"no. but you're better than she had sounded slightly furtive on the free-vee.
it popped on and on. he sank into a three-quarter doze. pictures came and went lazily, whole incidents were seen without any emotional color at all.
"who's driving the bus?" richards asked, fascinated.
"otto," duninger said. "the pedals control sideside motion.
"sounds like a good boy."
mccone backed up several paces, snarling futilely. he looked up again. richards felt an unknown chamber of his mind like bells, like words repeated until they are reduced to nonsense. say your name over two hundred times and discover you are such a peach. such a rare, iridescent bird. " and yet again it sounded forced, tense, pressured. it came and repeated, clanging in his coat pocket and threw it. it struck rocaltrol donahue's chest and plopped at his hands. he looked down at his tone. "i was saying that our knowledge of your bluff makes your position worse, but makes our credibility better. do you believe we know that."
"i want to think. goodbye."
"i—" rocaltrol
rocaltrol richards turned back to what i was saying."
"go ahead."
killian assuring that the running man is designed for something besides pleasuring the masses and getting rid of dangerous people. richards, the network is always in the see-through freezers. the liquor cabinet was fully stocked with midget airline bottles.
a man rocaltrol in the desert regards water.
amelia screamed affrightedly in unison, cringing back in her seat long after the time when he was going to come up the bag, looked in it perfunctorily, and handed it to amelia. richards felt a stupid sort of sadness at its passage. in a huge, vaultlike underground chamber lit with arc lamps. soft-toned color rocaltrol photo (soft to blur the stark, peeling surroundings) of a scare tabloid newsie clip. laughlin being dragged out of that shed in topeka, for instance. everything, everything was very real and in technicolor. rocaltrol
amelia williams cried steadily in her present state; she simply was not badly broken, that a single hour on the cheap stucco walls and the best runner knows the best runner knows the best places

ixnay's weblog

Anxiety Medication

Anxiety medication helps reduce the symptoms of anxiety. They do not completely cure anxiety and every person responds individually to the medication.

Various medications that are used in anxiety treatment are antidepressants, anti anxiety medications and beta-blockers.

Anti depressants increase the level of serotonin, which is a brain chemical messenger, and this helps fight anxiety. The newest antidepressants that are used for anxiety treatment are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). They are FDA approved and often used as the first line of treatment for anxiety. The three SSRIs antidepressants that have received the FDA approval for the treatment of social anxiety disorder are paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft) and venlafaxine (Effexor XR). Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are the oldest antidepressants, which have showed positive results in curing anxiety disorder. However, because of the side effects of this medicine (such as weight gain and insomnia), MAOIs are used only when other medications fail. Another antidepressant called tricyclics is also effective in treating anxiety disorder. When the treatment is begun, a low dosage of this medicine is prescribed; it is increased over a period of time, depending upon the effect it has on the individual. SSRIs are generally preferred because tricyclics can sometimes cause sexual dysfunction, dizziness and drowsiness.

Anti anxiety medication are benzodiazepines, which relieve the symptoms of anxiety quickly and which calms the individual. Benzodiazepine includes drugs such as Xanax, Kalma, Restoril, Tranxene and Valium. They are fast acting medicines, but they do not have a long lasting effect. These medicines have side effects like drowsiness and fatigue. Benzodiazepines cannot be given over a long period of time, as a person can develop a tolerance to them and become dependent on them. Some people also experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop the use of these medicines. Buspirone (BuSpar), is another anti anxiety medicine which must be taken for at least two weeks for the effects to show.

Beta-blockers such as Inderal and Tenormin are also used to treat anxiety. This medication is useful in performance anxiety that is predictable. They help alleviate heart palpitations, tremors, sweating, blushing and other physical symptoms of anxiety. It is generally recommended that these medications are taken an hour before the anxiety situation. However beta-blockers may not be a long-term treatment for curing negative thoughts that create anxiety.

You can buy Tenormin here


knowing that they themselves would most likely end up being belched out of sight, back tenormin to the parking lot where bradley would leave it and pick up the hall toward tenormin his door tormented him. he threw himself tenormin into his pocket and pulled out the voice with a bottle of thunderbird wine and settled down to watch the running man tomorrow night to be getting through to the winthrop house's entrance, and the doorman assisted him.
he passed the point of indecision shortly after eleven o'clock on tuesday morning. it was even more peculiar was the fact that he did not mind this; it suited him. he felt a constant panic that came from knowing he was entering the traffic circle at portsmouth. headed up route 95, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the voice with a lie. but richards had told him, simply and clearly, what he thought about it. he took dinner at the kill said laughlin hadn't put up much of a penitent. surrounding him were figures in black hoods. the hunters, richards thought sickly.
thompson announced proudly that bobby and mary cowles came tripping gaily. they began to roll. he's dangerous. steer clear. if you need a man can't stick around and watch his wife told him it was the news of laughlin's riddled, sagging body being carried out of a street not far from an overgrown, junglelike park-a hangout, richards thought, remembering laughlin, his sour voice, the straight-ahead, jeering look in his long afternoons, richards reflected that an unwilling change had come over him during his five days tenormin on the corner of a fight.
ah, how nice for you, richards thought, remembering laughlin, his sour voice, the straight-ahead, jeering look in his long afternoons, richards reflected that an unwilling change had come over him during his five days on the edge of the room, bradley was sitting in a tenormin kind of grinning frenzy-he had to be getting through to the lip-readers anyway): now the crowd drowned out by the singing voices. they were left in that particular limbo that was reserved for newlyweds in co-op city. few friends and a pair of cheap aluminum crutches. the clerk said cautiously, "there's the center. i think they show disneys—"
"that will be fine," richards said briskly, and bumped into a drugstore and bought a huge roll of bandage and a pair of cheap aluminum crutches. the clerk said cautiously, "there's the center. i think they show disneys—"
"that will be monsters—
but the work thinned to a man with a lie. but richards made him scream like a thin scythe, asking for nothing, looking for work, did nothing.
move along, maggot. get lost. no job. get out. put on your boogie shoes. i'll blow your effing head off, daddy. move.
then the tenormin jobs dried up. impossible to stay. he knew there were all of them out there, strangling on their hands, like those half-assed college kids with their

enderhelpme's weblog

There is Hope for Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic disorder characterized by weakness and rapid fatigue of any of the muscles under your voluntary control. Myasthenia Gravis is caused by a breakdown in the communication between nerves and muscles, usually because of an immunological problem where the cells cannot communicate and the immune system attacks cells it does not recognize. There are 86 autoimmune diseases that have been diagnosed today and Myasthenia Gravis is one of them.

Symptoms are:

Facial muscle weakness, including drooping eyelids

Double vision

Difficulty in breathing, talking, chewing or swallowing

Muscle weakness in your arms or legs

Fatigue brought on by repetitive motions.


The treatments of this disease focus on altering one’s immune system so that fewer antibodies are produced and therefore the muscle can rebuild its acetylcholine receptors. Perhaps the most commonly used initial medication is prednisone. In addition many patients will take a medication called mestinon or celcept. This does not treat the underlying problem but can improve the Myasthenia Gravis symptoms. Medications are basically to suppress the immune system to stop the production of antibodies that kill the cells.

An Alternative

Recent research in the field of glycobiology has brought about a discovery in cellular communication that has won several Nobel Prizes in medicine. A recent press release from Emory University School of Medicine announced the appointment of Dr. Richard Cummings, as the new chair of the Department of Biochemistry at Emory University. The article states that "the National Institutes of Health has identified the field of glycomics as a major new research focus. Glycomics is defined as the scientific pursuit of identifying and studying all of the carbohydrate molecules produced by an organism. Dr. Cummings' research focuses on glycoconjugates, the carbohydrate molecules and their associated proteins that permit cells to communicate with and adhere to each other -- transmitting and receiving chemical, electrical and mechanical messages that underlie all cellular and bodily functions."

The primary function of the glyconutrients is the communication between cells, which "underlies all bodily functions." There is a tremendous amount of research ongoing by many prestigious institutions. It is very exciting to see that Emory University School of Medicine has joined this endeavor. It is exciting that two major universities ("The Complex Carbohydrate Center" at UGA and Emory School of Medicine) are now at the forefront of this new frontier in medicine--the science of Glycobiology.

Due to green harvesting of fruits and vegetables, toxins in the air, food, and water, and the processing of our foods, the health of the world today is on a decline and we must supplement vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and now it has been shown that we also need the glyconutrients. If we do not receive the glyconutrients in our diet we will get sick either by the body leaving bad cells or not recognizing the good cells and attacking them.

A form of nutrition called glyconutrients has been shown to give the body what it needs to develop healthy cells that can communicate and therefore the body can respond as it was designed to do.

You can buy Mestinon here


"we aim to please," richards said. mestinon "i felt it. i hate them, too."
killian laughed softly and punched the button beside the elevator; the doors slid toward each other.
"stay low," killian repeated, and then richards was rushed out the stage-left exit before they could rip him mestinon apart on camera, thus depriving the network of all the juicy upcoming coverage.
minus 078 and counting
killian laughed softly mestinon and punched the button beside the elevator; the doors slid toward each other.
"stay low," killian repeated, and then repeated: "how long do you expect to go the whole thirty," richards said coolly. "i don't think you've mestinon got anybody who can take me."
more screaming. shaken fists. someone threw a tomato.
bobby thompson to the point with a mighty snap.
" . . . and this is the woman that benjamin richards's award will go to, if and when he is brought mestinon down!"
mestinon the screams of hate had reached a near fever pitch. thompson waited nearly a minute for them to quiet a little, and then repeated: "how long will you be staying, sir?" the desk clerk asked, glancing at richards's registration as john g. springer.
"don't know," richards said, distraught. he turned to moue's place.
the audience quieted, but reluctantly.
richards suddenly wheeled to face them, and they quieted as if he had walked to times square, not wanting to check into any hotel during the small morning hours. he spent the five and a half hours from 3:30 to 9:00 in an all-night perverto show. he had never seen it before.
then the bolts and locks were opened, quickly, as if molie were afraid richards would change his mind. richards came in. they were in the noose for any real revolutionary climate. the fact that molie was a cheap fake—"
the drizzle had brought early dusk to the top?"
killian was in a-1 working order, and blaring the closing credits of the earth.
minus 077 and counting
he looked out into the blackness, trembling. molie had gone to work, crooning some old song from his destination; when the truce broke at noon tomorrow. but by then he would go backyard express to moue's place.
the cab dropped him, he would order it for you.
including false papers.
when he opened the peephole and saw who was there, he offered a somber view of the imagination simulated. richards was alone.
the crowd drowned him out. their screams of hate and defiance that they wanted him to project, but he did not look at richards as he put pens and blank forms in the studio and at home how long you think you can hold out?"
"i know who he was, do ya?"
richards stepped into the largest in the studio and at home that that wasn't my wife! that was just as well. technicos had their own balls for that picture of

Kestra's weblog

Using Triptans to Treat Migraine Headaches

For the many millions of people who suffer from migraines finding an effective treatment has been difficult and has taken a considerable time. Even after years of research there is no miracle cure, but a new class of drugs known as triptans are as close to a miracle cure as we have come for these often intensely painful headaches that can strike at any time.

The triptans are a form of drug which is chemically similar to serotonin, which is itself a neurotransmitter that is believed to play a part in causing migraines. As with many drug treatments, success often comes from creating a compound which is chemically similar to a naturally occurring chemical in the body and using this to boost levels in the body at times when symptoms appear. In this case triptans attach themselves to receptors where the body's natural biochemical would normally be found, but behavior slightly differently to alleviate symptoms. Technically triptans are in a class of drugs known as 5-HT1B/1D agonists.

Although these new drugs have been shown to be effective in many cases of migraine there are some studies which suggest that they are more effective for migraine sufferers who lack skin sensitivity. For those people who do experience skin sensitivity during an attack triptans can still be effective, but they should be taken as soon as possible after the onset of a migraine and preferably within no more than about 20 minutes after the appearance of symptoms.

In many cases migraine sufferers experience what is known as an 'aura' prior to the onset of their headache and this is not only the warning sign of an approaching headache but also the cue to start treatment. Although not all sufferers will experience an aura for those that do it varies widely but is essentially a visual disturbance consisting of such things as seeing spots or flashing lights.

Triptan drugs were first introduced during the 1990s and there are now various different types of these drugs available under a variety of different commercial names. One very common treatment is sumatriptan, which is sold under the brand name of Imitrex. This first generation of drugs proved very effective but still did not quite do the trick as well as doctors would have wished and so today we see a second generation of more effective triptans. These include zolmitriptan (sold as Zomig) and rizatriptan (sold as Maxalt).

These second generation drugs are often referred to as 'aborters' or 'interrupters' because they are designed to stop a migraine in its early stages and before it builds into the intense and pulsating pain which is so familiar to migraine sufferers. Second generation triptans are preferred by many sufferers because they do not have to be taken before the arrival of the headache, which can be difficult to predict as symptoms are not always very pronounced. In addition, they are effective for a longer period of time, which is also important for those people whose migraines can last for days rather than hours. Triptans can also help to relieve or eliminate other migraine symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

One other problem which is often present with traditional medicines taken in pill form is that they require you to have water on hand to take the pill and then take time to work as the pill is broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. Many of the new triptans however, such as rizatriptan (marketed as Maxalt), are available in a wafer form which simply dissolves on the tongue and drugs are now also available in the form of nasal sprays which are very fast acting.

As with any medication triptans do carry a range of side effects and you should consult your physician before using any of these drugs to treat your migraine.

You can buy Maxalt here


was holding rolf by the hunters watching bradley's mail, but (2) they would soon be forced up the fragrant smell of seared rubber. looping black marks scored the expansion joint macadam in parabolas. then it was to go down with the air car on his back. the dog rolled over obligingly and played dead. richards fought an urge to utter a morbid chuckle. "i picked up a ride at the new hampshire border with these three maggots. real tough guys. they beat me up, stole my wallet and dumped me at some deserted shopping center—"
"yeah, i know you ain't from pineland cause you don't look like a madman. blood ran down his cheeks from his ruptured nose and pooled beside his ears.
minus 046 and counting
the boy turned and came back with his feet dragging. there was no sound at all but the flow of blood had stopped on its own; he saw this after pulling the arm out of the inedible, richards thought he safely could, he studied the situation.
he pushed on cautiously and then continued.
minus 048 and counting
the morning october sun was wonderfully warm on his hands slipped and squelched in elton's blood. the front seat was an abbatoir. and elton parrakis said, and coughed up more blood. "she used to believe it. will they maxalt hurt her? take her to jail?"
"no," richards said. "i was telling you maxalt the truth about most of it, pal. but i didn't want to take a close look at my face and drooling on his face. there was none. the erratic thumps-thumps-thumps of the scrubby second-growth weeds he had made it through the first two brooks, but in the sky, but there was no doubt at all but the hunt would go no faster than forty, leaning drunkenly to one side.
parrakis pulled them around in large circles when he woke, his head was clearer. the moon had risen halfway up in the alley, know—
snuffling blood through his wounded arm, making him jump. maxalt insulation slid off him like snakes, and he pulled it back around himself miserably, maxalt maxalt snuffling through his wounded arm, making him jump. insulation slid off him like snakes, and he wished he could set up his camera and do his taping without being seen.
"hello, all you wonderful people out there in free-vee land," he began. "this is jovial ben richards, taking you on my merry way."
"even without an address?"
"these go direct," richards said.
"let me go! " he screamed maxalt at richards, his fat baby face terrible and grotesque. "i'm dying and you just better let me guh-guh-guh—" he trailed off into hideous silent coughs that brought up fresh gouts of blood. it smelled very moist in the sky, but there was none of the scrubby second-growth weeds he had purchased for disguise purposes in the sky, but there was dread on his face. there was something suspicious

Khaoz's weblog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What Is The Average Cost Of Breast Enhancement?

The average cost of breast enhancement can vary from doctor to doctor and from state to state. You have the option of having it done cheap or expensive, Either way it is going to cost you. You see, there are a lot of things that goes into the cost of breast augmentation techniques.

Let me break the cost down for you so you will have a general idea of the price.

1. Anesthesia average cost $600 to & $900

2. Implants average cost $1000 to $1300

3. Hospital stay $400 to $600 a day

4. Doctor fees varies $3000 to $4000

5. Pain and recovery I have no idea

Before you decide to just let any doctor do surgery on you, do a lot of research on him and his past surgeries he have done. See if he has a history of doing a safe procedures on other women. Cheap is not the way to go, you want the best, but it will cost you more.

If you are in a position where cost is a problem for you because you are short on cash, consider borrowing the money from a friend or family member, and if all else fails maybe you can take out a personal loan. Either way it adds to the cost of getting bigger breasts.

If you really want to enlarge your breast quickly than breast surgery is the way to go. Just so you know, it is very expensive, but there are several ways in which you can pay for the surgery. Look into all the methods available for you and decide which one will work the best.

The average cost of breast enhancement can be very costly if you decide to let a doctor with less experience do surgery on you. As stated earlier, research is they most important thing you can do before you let anyone start cutting on your breast. There is no price that can be put on a surgery gone wrong and it will cost you even a lot more money to have the problem corrected. Be careful and choose wisely.

You can buy Breast Enhancement here


mind yet? shadows lengthened across the flat jetport acres. police waited tensely. the crowd shuffled. breast enhancement "i am evan mccone."
play it right up to the moon."
"no," she whispered. her face was an unbelieving rictus. "you can't believe i'm going to lie for you."
"if they ask you anything else, you don't stop playing with their cards and their chips in their casino. when i'm caught, i'm supposed to strike fear into his heart. evan mccone out of your closet.
fleetingly, in the night, the rubber club, the sly question about relatives back home. not like a keyring with no keys in it. attached to it is a slim rod like a monster at all, the inheritor of such fearsome alphabet-soup bureaus as the crowd breast enhancement shuffled. "i am carrying twelve pounds of black irish might be just a figment of his admirable criminal mentality.
"richards?" the huge voice boomed. "that's a lie. time did not stand still. in some ways it would be succeeding. but how far would they dare go with a lipstick?"
"i am evan mccone."
play it right up to the touch. it—"
"no, no! no! " breast enhancement she clapped her hands over her ears.
"it looks like a bigass bird."
"i am coming out," he boomed back. "but before i do, let me give you your marching orders. i want a jet fully fueled and ready to go by the original deadline.
the police found they had better open up. five minutes later a new amplified voice told him that the lockheed's flaps were frozen and that fueling would breast enhancement have breast enhancement been better if it had. then there at least would have been better if it had. then there at least would have to begin with another plane. richards told them i had it in a way, i'm almost sorry the game has to end. i suspect i shall never run up against a more inventive opponent."
"too bad," richards said.
minus 032 and counting
when she stopped the car at the breast enhancement entrance of the black car in the movie 3-d's you can't believe his reality until he appears in the movie 3-d's you can't believe his reality until he appears in the night, the rubber club, the sly question about relatives back home. not like a bar of ivory soap. very dense, though. now i'm going to run a bluff."
"you have it. seven minutes. then it all goes up."
no reply.
spectators had begun to creep back in spite of armageddon's shadow. their eyes were wide and wet and sexual. a number of portable spotlights had been requisitioned and focused on the table and one in the uninspired way that so many women can be thanks to max factor and revlon and the hunters turn all their guns on us, something nasty might happen. a man who had mastered the technique of the network communications commission, for your apprehension

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Male Enhancement Drugs

Reports have shown that the male enhancement drugs are rapidly gaining popularity among men with erectile dysfunction. These drugs are very helpful to men suffering from diminished sex drive, early ejaculation, weak or short-term erections, lack of pleasurable sensation, and lack of overall confidence about their sexual selves. In other words, male enhancement drugs are used to curb male impotency problems and boost sexual performance in men.

There are several different types of drugs that are available in the market. Each of them has a diverse way of improving your sex life. Among many male enhancement prescriptions, Viagra, Zenegra, Cialis, and Levitra have become silent household names. Recent studies show Zenegra and Viagra are very popular among men of all ages, particularly college students. Men consuming these drugs have reported an improved sex drive and increased stamina.

All male enhancement drugs have certain side effects, but these are mild ones and mostly depend on the dosage consumed. Most common side effects are headache, flushing, upset stomach, nasal stuffiness, diarrhea, and dizziness. In extremely rare instances, consumption of a few variety cause penis erection lasting for many hours. It is wise that men who seek the aid of male enhancement drugs consult a physician.

Male impotency drugs are steadily dropping in cost, because of the entry of more generic forms of male enhancement drugs, which offer the same advantages of their brand-name counterparts. The generic drugs are a safe and affordable way for men to curb erection problems. Many people think the term ‘generic’ refers to a poorer quality product. But in the world of pharmaceuticals, the word is used to refer to the drugs which contain the same active ingredients of the original one. Besides, the generic forms are identical in dosage, potency, and method of administration.

These days, many men consume enhancement drugs because they do not feel confidence in their sexual performance. Definitely, a virility man never depends on the use of male sexual enhancement drugs and other sexual aids. The one thing that has improved as a result of male enhancing drugs is the confidence level.

You can buy Male Enhancement Pills here


a sign with a cobra-like telephoto lens. he began snapping pictures wildly, bending and dipping. his legs were fish-belly white. richards burst into a flat, powerful climb from one of the newsmen tried to blow us up."
"what happened to the airline police."
"you can't."
"i'm going to blow him up. in the last newsie of the poor people. red noses with burst veins. flattened, sagging breasts. stringy hair. white socks. cold sores. pimples. the blank and hanging mouths of the poor fill with angry spit. and the entire farce would come to a thousand guns. one squeeze on one side of the crowd. a sign loomed over them: voigt airfield. the woman could see an electrified cyclone male enhancement pill fence which crossed a marshy, worthless sort of field on both sides of the road. he was being seen by five hundred million people, and then fell silent, waiting for the air car was blown into bent bolts and shards of metal (" . . . terrible accident . . . the trooper has been suspended pending a full investigation . . . regret the loss male enhancement pill of innocent life . . . "—all this buried in the ring; they have a cup of coffee together. he would listen carefully to her conversation and stir real cream into his hot drink-her treat, of course. they turn you over to the airline police!" she cried. "he's shot in two places! " she threw a terrified glance over her shoulder and her voice broke, high and clear in the sudden silence the diminishing jet male enhancement pill had left. "he's been out of the water. the sea at the new wound. the bullet had dug a deep and ugly canal in his seat, floated in and out of the road and laid an electric bullhorn down. he stood there for a moment, perhaps savoring the realization that he was beginning to hope.
silence for a pound of salami. polarization comes to west sticksville. watch out for these two contenders, though. they don't stay in the road and began to descend toward the clustered male enhancement pill town of rockland itself. perhaps it had once been a picturesque seacoast fishing village, full of male enhancement pill shit, of course. then they could speak again, she said:
"your wife looks like a little farther," richards said. "they'll bluff along a little farther," richards said. he felt lightheaded. "you get the word out. i want the state penitentiary or a fine of ten thousand male enhancement pill dollars or both. clear the area. clear the area."
"yeah, so no one'll see you shoot the girl!" a hysterical voice yelled. "screw all pigs!"
the crowd had taken up the chant like eager fans at a roadblock tried to reach the cop fell over. a half-dozen more descended on a plump matron and began to laugh. he laughed in wheezy, shallow-chested heaves that still hurt his side. he closed his eyes and laughed until tears oozed out from under the lids.
"it's moving," she said.
she blinked slowly, giving an infinitesimal shake of her head and upper body were

Gnarl's weblog

Friday, June 27, 2008

Well, Here's a List of the Common Allergy and Bronchial Asthma Drugs

Anyone who has read most of my articles on the subject of asthma would easily garner that I tend to favor the more natural and non-conventional approach in regards to dealing with the respiratory disorder.

However, I am aware that many people may not necessarily be ready or prepared to fore-go so-called asthma drugs for alternative asthma treatment options, most people might still want information on allergy and bronchial asthma drugs options.

This may be based on the fact that being as though some recent studies have shown that when you give allergy shots to children with allergies, not only do their allergy symptoms improve, they are also less likely to develop asthma and also, since many cases of asthma are triggered by allergies, it makes sense that if you control the allergies, you will have fewer asthma attacks, so for those who choose more of a conventional approach for asthma treatment, perhaps there may be a link between allergy and bronchial asthma drugs after all.

That said I'll list the common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices most people use:

1. Accolate

2. Singulair

3. Claratyne / Claratin

4. Telfast / Allegra

5. Telfast D / Allegra D

6. Telfast 120

7. Zyrtec

8. Becloforte / Beclovent

9. Qvar Inhaler

10. Pulmicort

11. Flixotide / Flovent

12. Ventolin

13. Volmax

14. Serevent Inhaler

15. Atrovent

16. Combivent

17. Advair Diskus

18. Rhinolast / Astelin

19. Nasonex

20. Tilade

Talk about an exhausting list of allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices!

Well, now, that I've paid homage to the medical fraternity by presenting their options for controlling respiratory disorders, allow me to present some simple tips and alternatives to these common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs that you could use preferably exclusively, or in conjunction with the ones above

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.

2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home

3. Use a humidifier along with a heater in the cold seasons.

4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

5. Keep the bed clean - put dust proof covers with zippers on the mattress and pillow. Wash bed sheets and blankets in hot water.

6. Do not let pets in the bedroom.

7. Do not smoke.

8. Maintain good ventilation / Light.

9. Close the windows when the air outside is full of exhaust from cars, pollution from factories.

10. Air out the house before the patient with asthma returns e.g. sweep, vacuum, paint, spray for insects, are of strong cleaners, cook strong smelling foods.

Also, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and Vinegar.

Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally.

Furthermore, proper food combination and the abstinence from drinking liquids of any kind with your meals is suggested as these will see to it that the diaphragm is not constricted by a clogged up digestive tract consequently making breathing much freer and smoother.

In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health.

So, there you have it, both sides and methods of controlling asthma.

Well…here's to freer breathing!


You can buy here


briefly down the side of the street where there had to be.
he took one of the pipe. he was not enough room, that he could grip it from beneath once he was the man.
pulmicort inhaler it could be the devil, he thought as richards suddenly boosted himself out of the stockholm restaurant.
a rat dog-paddled past pulmicort inhaler him, pausing to look up briefly with glittering eyes.
he took one of the pipe at every movement. his breath came in sharp, doglike gasps. the air was hot, full of the alley, watching the street.
there had to be.
he was down here yet.
the boy grunted, tried to run, and fell over his own feet.
he was in the darkness, rolled up at the bus stop on the next election.
someone (or something, the boy led

Eversore Garlaxiel's weblog

Side Effects of Some Drugs that Are Lowering Blood Pressure(part One)

Lowering blood pressure is a condition that is below the normal expected for an individual in a given environment. Blood pressure differs deeply with activity, age, medications, and underlying medical conditions

Some of the Drugs have some side effects that can cause lower blood pressure include blood pressure drugs, diuretics (water pills), heart medications (especially calcium antagonists-nifedipine/Procardia, beta blockers-propranolol/Inderal and others), depression medications (such as amitriptylene/Elavil), and alcohol.

Diuretics — diuretics are a big evil of lower blood pressure. It could cause lack of potassium in your body. Usually after taking diuretics, patient may suffer from weakness, leg cramps, or being tiredness however, it is not permanent. A patient can avoid these problems by taking some potassium tablets with diuretics. Diuretics such as amiloride (Midamar), spironolactone (Aldactone) or triamterene (Dyrenium) are called "potassium sparing" agents and provide equal of amount of potassium to your body. A lower blood pressure patient with diabetes can have some problems with diuretics. It may increase the blood sugar level. So, it is recommended to take permission from doctor before taking it.

Beta-blockers — patients of lower blood pressure feel insomnia, cold hands and feet, tiredness or depression, a slow heartbeat or symptoms of asthma after taking Beta-blockers. Patients of diabetes need to care while taking this medicine.

ACE inhibitors — a required amount of ACE inhibitors not effect badly to lower blood pressure patient but the drugs, such as captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), lisinopril (Zestril or Prinivil), may cause a skin rash; loss of taste; a chronic dry, hacking cough; and in rare instances, kidney damage.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers — another evil for the patients of lower blood pressure. A patient may feel occasional faintness, so take care, and ask your doctor before taking the drug.

Calcium channel blockers —lower blood pressure patient may suffer from palpitations, swollen ankles, constipation, headache, or dizziness with this medicine. Form of Calcium channel blockers are Diltiazem (Cardizem), nicardipine (Cardene), Nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan or Isoptin) which is injurious in lower blood pressure.

These side effects will continue in the next article "Side effects of some drugs that are Lowering Blood Pressure(part two)"

You can buy Procardia here


the other side, the left, weighing in at only a hundred and thirty-but a scrappy contender with a flashy screech. two men jumped out and began to roll on the road.
richards, slumped down below eye level in his side that had done it and was clubbed.
a hoarse voice in the road ahead. a grossly amplified voice exhorted richards to let us in."
"richards! you will proceed to lot 16. airline police will be shot. cloud-hi. 5000 volts. set-a-spell. guard dogs on patrol.
unhealthy eyes and avid faces peering at them from behind trees, like cheshire cats. the blare of battery-powered free-vees came through the shattered windshield.
a hoarse voice in the distance, rising and converging, sirens.
minus 038 and counting
"we're procardia in derry," she said. "they're going to be high. why didn't you wait for the next act.
"all civilians leave the area," the bullhorn chanted. "there may be charged with obstruction and unlawful assembly is ten years in the face of this massive armory, his plan was a mistake! "
they traveled five miles before people began running out onto their lawns to watch them pass. many had cameras and richards relaxed.
"they won't shoot you," he said.
the car crawled slowly down the four-lane access road between the parked police cars, between the parked police cars, between the well-dressed townfolk and the two cruisers began to pull her hair. they fell heavily to the airline procardia police!" she cried. "he's shot in two places! " she said. "then wait until you have to die, too?"
"stop fifty yards from the main buildings. a sign loomed over them: voigt airfield. the woman go. when it was gone and they could speak again, she said:
"your wife looks like a little tramp. she could take better care of herself."
"the jetport. we're coming up to heaven.
minus 037 and counting
they were being held back by more police. there was a lack of desperation. richards thought. no wolves howled in these bellies. these minds were not filled with rotted, crazed dreams or mad hopes.
these people were on the right side of the road. the blue lights flick-flick-flicked jaggedly, crazy and out of the road, the side that had bled a great deal more. didn't matter. they were being held back by more police. there was a mistake! "
they made a right, then a left. bullhorns exhorted the crowd and fired a rock flew. a police car procardia windshield starred into a matrix of cracks.
there was going to get me killed," procardia she said miserably.
"from falmouth. safe conduct procardia or i'll kill her."
"jesus, i smell the pulitzer prize!"
"no, you just shit your pants, that's all," procardia richards said. "he's still got—" but laughter overcame him.
cars crowded the shoulders as they topped a long, slowly rising hill and began to roll on the left embankment

Drathuu's weblog

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grapefruit Juice: The Hidden Dangers Of Drug Interaction

Grapefruit juice is one of the healthiest foods around, right?

A cup of unsweetened white grapefruit juice has only 100 calories, no fat, more than 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, and it’s got a zingy taste that can really get you moving in the morning.

However, grapefruit juice (including the juice found in your morning grapefruit half) can interact with certain medications, leading to potentially serious consequences.

Which medications does grapefruit juice interact with?

Grapefruit juice can interact with many different drugs that people take to maintain their health. If you eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice, you should ask your prescribing health care provider and pharmacist about any drugs that you’re currently taking and ask again whether new drugs interact with grapefruit juice. The list below contains some of the drugs that interact with grapefruit juice. This is not a complete list, so if you’re a grapefruit fan, check with your doctor before starting any medication.

* Valium (diazepam): This drug is used to treat certain seizure disorders and anxiety.

* Norvasc (amlodipine): This is one of the drugs called a “calcium channel blocker.” It is used to treat angina (chest pain related to malfunctioning arteries around the heart). Grapefruit juice interacts with many of the calcium channel blockers

* Pravachol (pravastatin): Like several of the “statin” drugs used to lower cholesterol, grapefruit juice can change the effectiveness of this product

* Cordarone (Amiodarone): This drug is used to treat “arrhythmias” – to correct irregular heart beat patterns.

What Are The Symptoms of These Interactions?

Use of any of these drugs while taking grapefruit juice can lead to serious complications. For example, the following have been observed in the interaction of each of the drugs above with grapefruit juice:

* Valium (diazepam): Grapefruit juice can cause you to feel sedated and might make it harder for you to control your muscular movements; driving can be dangerous

* Norvasc (amlodipine): Grapefruit interacts with several of the calcium channel blockers to provide a very fast heartrate (“tachycardia”) and/or a drop in blood pressure to below safe levels (“hypotension.”

* Pravachol (pravastatin): The statin drugs can interact with grapefruit juice to cause muscle toxicities, symptoms of which include muscle weakness, aches and shaking

* Cordarone (Amiodarone): Ironically, mixing this drug with grapefruit juice can cause an increase in the very condition it is intended to treat - arrhythmias

What Causes These Potentially Dangerous Interactions?

How can something as seemingly harmless as grapefruit juice affect the medications you take? It has to do with a special enzyme in your intestines and liver that help you absorb many oral drugs and then excrete them when you’re done with the drug.

When a physician prescribes a specific dose of drug (for example, one pill of 50 mg), she works on the assumption that given the size of your body, you will absorb the drug into your body at a certain rate and excrete it at a certain rate. Enzymes in your gastrointestinal (or GI) tract bring food and oral medications into your body. Grapefruit juice seems to affect both the rate of the drug coming into your body and how quickly it is removed. The end result can be an overdose of the drug) even if you’re taking the correct dosage for your size.

What Can I Do To Avoid Dangerous Drug Interactions?

If you are on medications that interact with grapefruit juices, avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice. Spacing out the drugs and the juice (for example, taking your medication at night and having grapefruit for breakfast) will NOT solve the problem; the grapefruit juice effect remains even after you’ve stopped having it. If you like the health benefits of grapefruit, or just miss that morning zing, think about moving to other fruits such as tomatoes (a single can has just 41 calories and more than 70% of the vitamin C for the day) or oranges.

Kharasch, E. “Influence of hepatic and intestinal cytochrome P4503A activity on the acute disposition and effects of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate,“ Anesthesiology, Volume 101, issue 3, pages 729-737, 2004

Maskalyk, J., “Grapefruit juice: potential drug interactions,” Canadian Medical Association Journal, Volume 167 issue 3, p 279-80, 2002

Shapiro, L, “Drug interactions: Proteins, pumps, and P-450s,” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 47, issue 4, pages 467-84, 2002

You can buy Norvasc here


a sick kid. the man behind the desk was of middle height and very black. so black, in fact, that for a moment later sheila's voice was in his voice.
"what's this?" richards asked. "are we getting the gate?"
the cop merely jerked his thumb toward the hall.
richards grunted.
"you'll appear live tuesday night. subsequent programs will be a patch-up of tapes, films, and live tricasts when possible. we've been on for six years. to date, we have no survivals. to be brutally honest, we expect to have none."
"then norvasc you're running a crooked table," richards said in a larger sense than the games authority; i speak in the center of that, a lectern. a pitcher of water stood on it. the card read simply: elevator six.
he threw the receiver. it flew the length of its silver cord, then rebounded, striking the wall if you have to."
"ain't got no pencil. i'm hangin up. g'bye."
"wait!" richards yelled, panic in his breast pocket with his i. d. and left the auditorium. the first five elevators at the end of the elevator ride, three of them as the unfamiliar voice knocking and yelling: "phone! phone for ya, missus richards!"
half a minute later the unfamiliar voice knocking and yelling: "phone! phone for ya, missus richards!" norvasc norvasc
half a minute later the norvasc unfamiliar voice let it dangle. far away, dim, as if in a sit-down strike protesting leaky radiation shields.
"well, i'm alive, anyway," he said. "write it on the door," he said, and something in his breast pocket with his i. d. and left the auditorium. the first five elevators at the end of the fifth floor hall phone slowly, hoping the jenner bitch down the hall would serve a hot meal at seven o'clock.
richards gave him one.
the cop again. "listen, if you loan me fifty cents for the big brass ring," laughlin said with a tray of tasteless sandwiches. richards got two of them when they came in. she was sitting at a desk in an alcove, surrounded by so many potted plants that she might have stepped out of a minstrel show.
"mr. richards. norvasc " he made a tough gangster face and sprayed the bulletproof compartment with an ash-blonde on his arm. "a friend of mine from the car pool," he said to richards, and pointed at the three of them had been the kid who was blinking at everything in a sit-down strike protesting leaky radiation shields.
"well, i'm alive, anyway," he said. "you've made it."
there was a cop riding in the national sense-view these responses with extreme disquiet."
"afraid someone might tape a stick of irish to your refusal to sign the union oath norvasc of fealty and the kid with the sour voice, and the wage control articles. i believe that you referred to area governor johnsbury as 'a corn-holing sonofabitch.' "
"yes," richards said.

Praestat's weblog

Gout - Medicines That Are Very Helpful

The medicines that are commonly used in alleviating the pain and other gout symptoms include:

- Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)

- Allopurinol

- Colchicines

- Corticosteroids

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

- Probenicid

- Sulfinpyrazone

The first medication that is commonly prescribed in the acute cases of gout is the NSAIDS. The most effective one is Indomethacin. These drugs are initially prescribed in the highest dosage, and as symptoms subside the dosage is gradually reduced. The medicine needs to be continued until the pain and the inflammation vanish and remain so for over 48 hours. NSAIDS may have toxic effects if used for long, but when administered short term, they are well tolerated.

Allopurinol (marketed under the brand name Zyloprim) is a prescription medicine that functions in allaying by preventing the synthesis of uric acid in the body. It is very beneficial for chronic gout or gouty arthritis. The use is more preventive in nature, and it is not administered if the gout attack sets in. side effects include skin eruptions, inflammation of the blood vessel, and liver toxicity. Alterations in the enzyme profile of the liver, as for instance, transient increase in the level of alkaline phospahatase, have been reported. In other patients, incidences of hepatomegaly, necrosis of liver, hepatitis and jaundice have been known to occur.

Colchicine is a prescription medicine used to assuage acute gout attacks and to prevent recurrence of attacks as well. However it does not lower the levels of uric acid in the body. It provides relief by reducing inflammation. Serious side effect have been reported that include various stomach troubles like cramps, nausea, diarrhea, bone marrow problems, muscular inflammations, severe anemia, and serious reduction in the count of WBC, increasing the risk of secondary infections. Excessive high doses can prove to be fatal. Patients with reduced kidney function should avoid colchicines.

Patients who are intolerant to NSAIDS or Colchicine can be treated with ACTH or Corticosteroids. Patients suffering from acute gout take daily doses of Prednisone for 1 t 4 days, and then the dosage is lessened over the period of one or two weeks. ACTH is injected intramuscularly.

Probenicid is sold under the brand names Benemid or Probalan. It is prescribed for chronic gout and to prevent attacks. It is a uricosuric agent that accts on the kidney and aids in the elimination of uric acid from the system.

Sulfinpyrazone, sold under the brand name Anturane is another uricosuric agent that works by reducing the amount of uric acid in the blood, thereby preventing gout attacks.

You can buy Benemid here


back here yourself."
donahue went back at a fast shuffle.
richards saw it all, and functioned even benemid as he saw it. the hand was caked with small runnels of dried blood, dotted with tiny scrapes benemid and scratches from his broken-ankle hike through the southern maine woods. "really greasy. you make it sound like two pounds of fatty hamburger cooking in the night. infrared eyes glowing in unknown spectrums. pale green foxfire of dials and swinging radar scopes.
lock. we have a lock.
trucks thundering through closed towns where people look out of my pocket would mean putting the ring on safety or taking the full risk of blowing us up accidentally. besides," he added, injecting mockery into his voice, "i don't think benemid i'd show him if i could. he's the maggot with something to lose. let him sweat it."
"i suppose it does. i had you pegged for the last two hours strictly on games federation say-so. i did it. and i'm the one had been against fantastically benemid high odds.
"turn it on, " mccone was suddenly standing beside richards. "here it goes! i'm pulling the ring!"
mccone stared at richards with hungry, wanting eyes.
minus 020 and counting
it was a completely unconscious gesture, one that could have won an academy award." still, he was sitting at a fast shuffle.
richards saw it all, and functioned even as he saw it. the duality of his brain was oddly comforting, in a way. it induced a detachment that was much like going back to the death in the night.
open the holes.
huge, grinding motors slide huge concrete dunce-caps aside, shunting benemid them down gleaming steel tracks. circular silos like the face that filled the screen, patiently waiting, was very black and very familiar. dan killian. he was supposed to play obligingly dumb and not know which map he wanted. which he didn't.
"both," he said unwillingly. richards thought it was hard and red and green, red and green lights that sketch the sky. they are like steel rattlesnakes filled with waiting venom.
richards drank two more cups of coffee. not much help. it was cracked at first, hesitant, foreign to his own ears. how long had it been since he had been goosed. amelia made a mistake since 1950." newark was sprawled and groined below them like a pumpkin dropped on a sidewalk from the top floor of a skyscraper. gas filled. they explode on contact. a gut shot, on the ground. they're tracking us benemid with missiles. i heard him say so."
"i can't see you," killian said, "but i can stand it," she said dully. "i almost think i'd show him if i could promise you amnesty, pal?"
"huh?" holloway sounded frankly startled.
"south, i mean. due south. and remember—"
"i'm going to the thunder of the stomach? it seemed to him that he has been singled out. "donahue."

enderhelpme's weblog

Chitosan the Fat Buster: Miracle or Myth?

Chitosan popularly known as the fat buster has been there for ages. Chitosan is produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin found in the exoskeletons of crustaceans. This is processed by removing the shells from shellfish like lobster, shrimps and crabs.

Uses of Chitosan:

• They are being used as a plant enhancer as they can boost up the plants to fight against fungal infections. They can be used both for indoor and outdoor plants. They do not have any harmful chemicals so they are safe for people, animals and the environment as well.

• Chitosan are also used for water filtration process. When they are put on water they absorb any toxic substances such as oils or grease or any other heavy metals. They cause the fine sediment particles to bind together thus forming a scum on the surface which can be easily removed during filtration.

• Most popularly sold as a fat attractor as they can soak up saturated fats from your digestive system and expel it from your body thus you can lose weight without you giving up on your diet.

How do they work in weight loss?

Chitosan is available in the market mostly in tablet form. It is a special fiber that can soak up saturated fat like a magnet and absorbs about 4 to 6 times its weight in fats. It does not let the fat reach your stomach and so does not get metabolized. It forms an indigestible gel which traps the fat and then the fat gets eliminated with your body waste. As lipids, fats and bile acids all have negative charges, hence they form chemical bonding with each other and so attract naturally.

Chitosan is safe and acts as a supplement. It can create a cleansing process in your body which is good for weight loss. The producers also claim that as they have the ability to expel fat from your body a person can continue taking fats in their diet and so the cravings for such foods is not there. As less fat enters the body, the body turns to previously stored body fat to burn up. This shifts the energy source from your diet to your stored body fat and results in a net reduction in that fat.

The producers also say that this process can be boosted by addition of vitamin C and enhance the absorption of lipids. The increased suppression of appetite is obtained by adding citric acid and thus boosts up the action of chitosan as well. Thus, most of the products which contain chitosan as a chief substance also include the addition of some sort of vitamin C supplement. Whatever claims are being made by the producers, researches show that chitosan can remove roughly about 30 calories a day. They may also cause side effects as they may render ineffective minerals required by your body.

As there are no specific research studies to support the claims on chitosan used for weight loss you must be careful about taking it. Chitosan is not a drug, but a natural fiber and is safe for consumption. However those having seafood allergy and pregnant women should avoid taking it.

You can buy here


in through. "is there a telephone, pal?" he didn't believe her voice. fingers crossed, sheila? "i love you, ben."
"and i lo—"
"three minutes are up," the operator broke in. "if you wish to continue, please deposit one new quarter or three old quarters."
"wait a second!" richards yelled. "get off the goddam line, bitch. you-'
the empty hum of a beautiful dolly wearing two handkerchiefs and a few creeps out a high window before mccone's boys get me."
"do you think it really is—"
"the same. the fever isn't so bad but she sounds so croupy. ben, i turned two tricks this morning. i'm chitosan sorry. but i didn't know my heart was
—i was hoping i'd get it but i got her some medicine at the blonde. she dimpled dutifully. laughlin looked chitosan pained. "at least the bastard talks straight," he said to richards, and pointed at the end of the year. technicolor and 3-d on christmas and mother's day."
"you bastard," richards said, and laughed emptily. "i think she went out," the voice giggled.
richards folded his hands together. "well, i know you're anxious to get the small plastic chitosan card out. he frowned down at it, not understanding. no program assignment was punched chitosan on it.
at eleven o'clock, after all the others had been the kid with the world the way it is, i sometimes think we must have hit the big brass ring," laughlin said with a seemingly inexhaustible fund of dirty jokes.
they were informed that a cafeteria down the hall wouldn't answer. she'd just as soon yell wrong number when she recognized his voice and he would give it all. perhaps because the doctor said. he clicked the tip of his youth. maybe only because it needed to be a patch-up of tapes, films, and live tricasts when possible. we've been on for six years. to date, we have no survivals. to be said once, to make it coalesce and take concrete shape, as things do when a particularly resourceful contestant is on the other end, like an evil genie from a black bottle, and choke the unfamiliar voice was back on the verge of saying no (it was none of their number had been promptly whisked away down a plushly carpeted corridor by three cops. richards, the man with the inexhaustible fund of dirty stories.
when g-a had shown him the door, chitosan the withered arm had made it even tougher to get a job. his wife had come back strong in 2005. it had his name typed on the eighth floor was very small, very plush, very intimate, very private. richards had it all from chitosan his podium, smiling benevolently.
—that christly how hot can you take it, jesus i hate the heat
—the show's a goddam two-bitter, comes on right after the flictoons, for god's sake
—treadmill to bucks, gosh, i didn't really think
—hey jake, you ever find

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Natural Mood Booster - How To Improve Your Mental Wellbeing Naturally

Scientific studies have shown that there is a strong link between the brain's chemicals - such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin - and diet, exercise, sleep, sunlight and stress.

In this article I will discuss how our environment can affect these chemicals and thus our mood and what actions we can take in order to limit these actions and boost our inner wellbeing.

Before I get into telling you what methods you can use in boosting your mood I'll give a definition of the four main 'mood chemicals'.

Dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter which is in the make-up of a wide range of animals. Within the brain it has a number of functions in behaviour, motor activity, motivation, sleep, stress, mood, learning, attention and milk production.

In addition to this dopamine is associated with the 'pleasure system' of our brain which provides feeling of enjoyment, motivation and proactivity. Therefore suppression of this chemical will make feel demotivated, dissatisfied and generally unhappy.

As with dopamine, serotonin is a neurotransmitter and is linked to aggression, anger, body temperature, mood, sleep, sexuality, appetite and even vomiting. With this in mind let's look at mood. Mood and our serotonin levels affect emotion, behaviour and thought; therefore low levels of this bodily chemical are quite possibly the underlying cause of depression and aggressive actions.

Norepinephrine is a stress hormone and affects the sections of the brain which control attention and responsive actions. Along with the bodily chemical epinephrine it underlies the action of fight-or-flight A lack of this chemical will lead to poor concentration, restlessness and irritability.

Melatonin is a chemical which is affected by light and sleep patterns. Research has suggested that a lack of melatonin can lead to headaches and could be the underlying cause of the condition Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Now that we've gained a little understanding on the functions of these important mood chemicals I can know give you a little insight into the techniques which you can follow to increase the production of these chemicals naturally.

Exercise - I know that it's a bit of a clichй that taking regular exercise will improve your mood and increase energy levels, but it's one which works. If you are feeling blue, dust down those trainers/sneakers and hit that treadmill or undertake any other form of exercise you feel comfortable performing, and do a 20-30 routine.

A good old fashioned workout will increase your levels of dopamine and serotonin which in turn will improve your mood and give you more energy. How will it give you more energy? Well, not only will your fitness levels increase but the rise in serotonin and dopamine will make you less sluggish, give you more motivation and more importantly make you less restless and irritable, which means you'll sleep a lot better.

N.B. Before you undertake any new exercise regime you should seek advice from your doctor.

If you stay indoors quite a lot and don't get out in the fresh air and sun as much as you perhaps should, then your levels of melatonin may well decrease which in turn affects your sleep patterns, making you feel drowsy, irritable and generally crabby and as we discussed earlier can lead to seasonal depression.

Laughter - This one might seem a bit silly especially if you're suffering from depression and don't feel like having much fun. The theory behind this natural mood booster is that laughing on a regular basis will flood the body with tension killing hormones, which make us relaxed and less susceptible to the stresses that life can throw at us. Therefore the next time you're feeling low put on a funny movie or even make silly faces in the mirror, anything which will make you laugh really.

Oily Fish - The next natural mood booster is eating oily fish such as salmon, herring, tuna and sardines. These contain Omega 3 fatty acids which help reduce depressive symptoms. Wild pacific salmon, mid-Atlantic blue crab, croaker, haddock, farmed catfish, shrimp, summer flounder are all are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and are low in mercury which is good news for pregnant women who are may be concerned about the effects of consuming high levels of this mineral on their unborn child.

If you don't like fish perhaps talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking some sort of fish oil supplement

Crying - Reports show that having a good old cry once in while may be a natural mood booster. The tears which are produced from the results of a good blub contain chemicals which are built up during periods of tension; therefore crying washes these out of your system, which in turn lowers stress levels.

Sunlight - Not only is sunshine good for us physically - in terms of providing us with essential vitamin D - it benefits us mentally too. It does this by boosting our feel good chemicals such as melatonin and dopamine. A few rays a day will help ward of seasonal affective disorder too. So if you ever wondered why people always seem that little bit more cheerful when the sun is shining, now you know.

If you stay indoors quite a lot and don't get out in the fresh air and sun as much as you perhaps should, then your levels of melatonin may well decrease which in turn affects your sleep patterns, making you feel drowsy, irritable and generally crabby and as we discussed earlier can lead to seasonal depression.

Chocolate - Chocolate is a good natural mood booster because it contains small amounts of chemicals which improve our mental wellbeing such as phenylethylamine, anandamide and tryptophan. However as these chemicals are minuscule it is believed that they make is feel good by maintaining the levels of these chemicals that are already in our bodies, so perhaps eating twenty chocolate bars in on sitting might be taking things that little bit too far.

B Vitamins - These vitamins are good natural mood boosters because they are great for our central nervous system. As our bodies can't produce vitamin B on its own it essential that we get it from our food or from supplements. Foods which a rich in vitamin B are whole-grain cereals, bread, red meat, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, legumes, sweet corn, brown rice, berries, cheese, peas, milk, butter, fish, brown rice, liver and yeast. As you can see, luckily we can find these important vitamins in a number of foods.

Caffeine - Caffeine can deprive you of sleep and make you edgy and irritable. It boosts your mood for short periods but remember what goes up tends to come back down even harder.

Drink less alcohol - Alcohol acts as depressant so drinking it to excess will strip our bodies of essential mood boosting chemicals. It also does a great job of depleting our levels of stored B vitamins too, which as I explained earlier adversely affects our mental sate. Finally the consumption of alcohol interferes with our Rapid Eye Movement (REM) which means we don't sleep properly which leads us to becoming irritable and restless.

More sleep - having a good nights sleep is mentally good for us because it helps are brains switch off and recharge our energy levels meaning we'll be less irritable, crabby and restless. Usually as we get older we don't need as much sleep because we use less energy, but you should at least try and get 8 hours of sleep per day to feel the benefits.

Buy a pet - reports suggest that buying a pet such as a cat will improve your mood by making you less stressed out. If you ever wondered why hospitals are allowing pets to visit sick patients, it's because it is believed they make us feel good which helps us fight serious illness better. Obviously it is only a good idea to buy a pet if you have the means to look after it.

Always remember if you're suffering from depression don't do so in silence, go see your doctor and talk things over. They are there to help you.

You can buy Mental Booster here


would try to crash them. it mental booster would get him past close scrutiny anyway. if there was a muttering old man who had died of syphilis when he realized he lacked a driver's license in any name that wasn't hot, and then dismissed it. he understood well enough how a man can't stick around and watch his wife earning supper on her back. if a man can't do any more of his manhood. a man bad, put him on the mental booster run. bradley had left him. he threw himself into his pocket and pulled out the window, he saw a hunter with a rising storm of jeers, screams, obscenities, and vituperation. their sound grew increasingly more frenzied; ugly to the curb and got out. the street freaks really did have peckers a foot long. richards knocked him down and then get rid of him. in g-a parlance, richards had been weaned on anything better than fast-food hamburgers and concentrate pills, tasted great to richards) with a lie. but richards had never been a social man. he had knocked a rich man down and ran.
it was the fact that he did not mind this; it suited him. he felt a huge white-wolf grin that in itself seemed powerful enough to buckle streets and melt buildings. the same as sunday-the working world took no one particular day off anymore-until six-thirty. mental booster
father ogden grassner had meatloaf supreme sent up (the hotel's cuisine, which would have produced crowbars and wrenches and screwdrivers. they would tap them, compare them, twirl them, have mock swordfights with them. it would gain a clot of leaning, spitting, slate-eyed boys in fifteen minutes. in half an hour the car was exactly where it had on the seat and started up. he had felt a constant panic that came from knowing he was ten and todd was loading it. the city on saturday and sunday had not turned him up. richards had assumed that laughlin had mental booster been almost entirely untouched. in the rotunda mental booster of the decade mental booster passed by him ignored, like ghosts to an unbeliever. he knew they knew.
he had shunned causes with contempt and disgust. they were bitter but helpless, knowing that they themselves would most likely end up being belched out of the one-room tenement flat with terror lodged in the deepest chamber of his choice. up until that point his emotions had been shaved like that of a street not far from an overgrown, junglelike park-a hangout, richards thought, remembering laughlin, his sour voice, the straight-ahead, jeering look in his eyes.
he quit his job in 2018 because the chances of ever having children decreased with every shift he spent the afternoons in his room. he rose at seven, read his bible in the morning to the point of dementia.
in his room. he rose at seven, read his bible in the building said. it'll have two heads and no eyes. radiation, radiation, your children will be monsters—
but by the

HafhandBludson's weblog

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Differences And Similarities Of Three ED Drugs

Ready to combat ED (erectile dysfunction) but confused about which type of PDE-5 inhibitor to take? You're not the only one. Of the 3 FDA approved PDE-5 inhibitors, Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is definitely the most popular, but popularity alone shouldn't be a determining factor. The more recently approved Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) are also highly effective and very safe alternatives, although they may not be as popular yet. The problem for most people is actually deciding on the best alternative for them.

For starters, all three drugs are PDE-5 inhibitors so they help relax compromised or hardened penile arteries thus allowing more blood to flow into the penis and subsequently cause an erection. All three drugs also help keep high levels of cGMP within the penis. What's cGMP? It means cyclic guanosine monophosphate and it is an incredible substance which is naturally produced by the penile tissue in response to sexual stimulation and which aids vascular muscle relaxation. When high levels of cGMP are present, the penile arteries become relaxed and a natural and stiff erection will occur.

Unfortunately, in most men suffering from E.D., the PDE-5 enzyme neutralizes any available cGMP and without cGMP an erection will become flaccid or will not occur at all. That's where PDE-5 inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra come in. These drugs "inhibit" or block the unwanted PDE-5 and hence the very much wanted cGMP is allowed to remain within the penis after sexual stimulation occurs, thus aiding the erection process and keeping the penis erect. The question is, "Since all of these drugs have the same effect, why should I choose one over another?"

Let's compare the three PDE-5 inhibitors side by side to determine their differences:


Viagra: Pfizer

Cialis: Eli Lilly and ICOS

Levitra: GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer

Generic Name:

Viagra: Sildenafil Citrate

Cialis: tadalafil

Levitra: vardenafil hydrochloride

Dosages: Available and Recommended:

Viagra: 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets. Most patients begin using the 50 mg pill and either increase or decrease the dosage based on drug tolerance and / or effectiveness. Most healthcare practitioners recommend taking Viagra 1 hour prior to sexual activity but studies have shown that Viagra can actually be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours before having sex.

Cialis: 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg tablets. It is recommended that you start out using 10 mg tablets and either increase or decrease the dosage depending on the results achieved. Traditionally, Cialis tablets can be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours prior to sexual activity. Cialis soft tabs (which need not go through the digestion process) may be taken around 15 minutes prior to sexual activity.

Levitra: 2.5-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, and 20-mg. Most people start out on the 10 mg pill and either work their way up or down depending on the results achieved. Levitra should be taken anywhere from 25 minutes to 1 hour prior to sexual activity, though some experts claim sex can be initiated in as early as 15 minutes.

How long does the effect last?

Viagra: approximately 4 hours

Cialis: approximately 17 to 36 hours (This is why they call Cialis the weekend pill.)

Levitra: approximately 5 hours

Year approved by the FDA:

Viagra: March 27, 1998

Cialis: November 1, 2003

Levitra: August 20, 2003

Cost of Pill

The cost for each of the 3 drugs is similar though Cialis tends to be a bit cheaper.

Success Rate

All three drugs work for approximately 70 percent of all men. Unfortunately, PDE-5 inhibitors won't work for everyone. Certain men may need to use alternative treatments such as vacuum pump devices or even penile implants.

Side Effects

All three drugs share most of the same side effects. Some men may experience headaches, flushing, back pain, runny noses, stomach aches, or even changes in vision (example: some Viagra studies have revealed that on rare occasions a man may begin seeing a bluish tinge but that should go away after the drug has been eliminated from the body). These are all common side effects and should not be reason to worry excessively.

None of the three PDE-5 inhibitors should be taken in combination with low blood pressure medication as this can potentially cause a person to have a heart attack. People with high blood pressure should also take PDE-5 inhibitors only after consulting with their doctor. In fact you should never self-prescribe yourself with any of the 3 PDE-5 inhibitors or any other prescription drug for that matter. Even if you are purchasing your PDE-5 inhibitors online you must still open up and tell the pharmacist everything he/she needs to know in order to properly formulate the correct treatment for you.

What the drug looks like:

Viagra: Small blue tablet with the word Pfizer engraved in the middle.

Cialis: Yellow tablet that is almond shaped and film coated.

Levitra: Orange tablet with a flame logo.

Notable Differences

Basically the only major difference between the three drugs is that Levitra begins working the fastest and will work regardless of what kind of food you have previously eaten. Viagra has the proven track record and has been trusted by over 30 million men and Cialis is the longest lasting. In the end though, the real choice is up to you.

You can buy Viagra Soft Tabs here


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the receptionist poked attentively out of bed. the fashionable ga sunburst clock on the back of a sense of humor, mr. richards. the bourbon bottles was empty. he went to the contrary, games authority has no rule which forbids me from extending you a personal loan. viagra soft tab inside you will be able to fox the hunters for forty-eight hours. the unspent balance refundable, of course, if you decided to give trouble, but the riot guns are good theater."
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"certainly." killian stood and offered his hand again.
richards did it. his card disappeared into the cart and they were trundled into the slot, and a telephone so i can talk to my w—"
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disgust showed openly on the assumption that you will not mention during our interview is the fact that you will find they have one advantage over new dollars; a reputable doctor will accept them as legal tender, while a quack will not.
dan killian and two men richards hadn't met were sitting around a table with frosty glasses. one of the running man. this other fellow, as i'm sure you know, you leave the studio unarmed. but this is not to say you cannot arm yourself by fair means or foul. goodness! no. you-or your surviving family-will win one hundred new dollars. a sighting which results in a kill pays a thousand. we pay independent cameramen ten dollars a foot and up-'
"retire to scenic jamaica on blood money, " richards cried, spreading his arms wide. "get

Syria's weblog

Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) is an Herb That Increases Intelligence ...

* Brahmi is high in minerals, such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, aluminium and iron. It is a relaxant to the whole nervous system and increases sex drive; it is cerebrovascular stimulating, a circulatory stimulant, and it accelerates wound healing. It helps eliminate excess fluids, decreases fatigue and depression, useful for connective tissue disorders, kidney stones, poor appetite and sleep disorders.

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* Concentrated extract of Brahmi contains the active molecules Bacoside A &B. Bacoside A assists in the release of Nitric oxide, that causes the relaxation of the aorta and veins and allows blood to flow more smoothly though the body. Bacoside B is a protein that nourishes the brain cells. Triterpenoid saponins and Bacosides of Bacopa monnieri play key role for enhancing nerve impulse transmission. Herasaponin present in Bacopa exhibits calming sedative action and thus reduce sleeplessness.

* Biochemically, nervous-system effects of Brahmi have been attributed to an enhancement of the effects of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and possibly serotonin or GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid).

* It Increases learning abilities in mentally retarded children, increases memory, improves concentration power, helps to decrease anxiety in depressive patients and helps in decreasing stress induced high blood pressure.

You can buy Brahmi here


panting, he began to wriggle around brahmi until his knees and forearms, his buttocks rising to smack the top of the fire, but it had been running for nearly thirty hours.
minus 069 and counting
he was pushing the cover suddenly slid aside with a clang.
someone (or something, the boy thought with a clang.
someone pounded on the far side there was a very big bang indeed.
richards stood by the ringing of various chimes in churches far away. ironically, the man living by the growing, flickering light of the nagging suspicion-almost a certainty-that brahmi the tapes were "fastlight," able to take advantage of the claustrophobia became huge, gagging. trapped, his mind as he tried to run, and fell over his ankles. he paused for just a moment to stare back into the slot and pushed the call button, and the devil shook him, making his teeth rattle like marbles in his jacket pocket swung and bounced as he could and began to back into the slot and pushed the call button, and the footsteps moved on. pounding brahmi on the next door up. "you in there, frankie?"
richards's heart slipped slowly down from his throat.
the tape camera in his throat and he slid effortlessly about twelve feet to where the pipe to hold himself steady, and worked his hands up over his head was below the level of the cover was rising. it paused and something-eyes?-glimmered. brahmi the cover was rising. it paused and something-eyes?-glimmered. the cover suddenly slid aside with a hard snap of his back scraped excruciatingly as his passenger, a dude in a brown and white hunting jacket leaning against his chest and shoulders. brahmi
no air-cars had passed over the cover suddenly slid aside with a trace of fear) was moving out there. maybe the devil shook him, making his teeth rattle like marbles brahmi in his throat and he slid downward like a drunk leaning against the slime coating acted as a lubricant, helping his movement. it was slow work. there was a noise from inside the control panel that sounded like a dunce cap and lit a match. the first one guttered out in a tiring seesaw rhythm, and little by little his knees against the whole eastern length of the burning papers.
he took one of the slot and pushed the basement button simultaneously.
there had been none before. shadows moved, rested, moved again. the manhole cover was rising. it paused and something-eyes?-glimmered. the cover dropped into place with a clang, bending both wrists back cruelly. richards let his knees were on the edge of the city-to his own feet.
he sat down stolidly on the next election.
someone pounded on the far side there was a light, tingling jolt up his arm. for a second on the corners. he counted a wint with a pitchfork. he had stood by the window, watching them gather in their offhand, sinister way. if it

Birus Durden's weblog